Efficiency and Savings for Commercial entities and Businesses
Better efficiency by good management of building management systems, shading, retrofitting, surface colour paint renewable sources of power etc. Monitor data, collection of the data(sIoT) , Learning from the data(sAI),Live monitoring(sAPP), tracking, tracking the performance, Alerts, notifications, Reports(sAPP, Dashboard) , Automate/semi automate the system, the whole process of monitor and controls
Your sustainable Efficient Business (sCOMMERCIAL, sBUSINESS), because 38% energy used by building-heating, ventilation, air conditioning, 20% for lighting and 6.6% energy related emissions.
Your building (sBUILDING), your energy use (sENERGY) your water (sWATER), your waste disposal(sWASTE). Also save energy, time, money, protect nature, environment, reduce Co2, and be peaceful